Early Consignments & Future Sales
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Friday, Feb 14th at 10:00AM

Wednesday, Feb 19th at 11:00AM

Attention! For the safety and welfare of our customers, employees, and cattle, Manhattan Commission is rescheduling our Wednesday Feb 12th Special Stock Cow & Bred Heifer Sale to next Wednesday Feb 19th, 2025. We will be selling at our Friday Feb 14th sale around 11:30 to 12:00 Noon: 60 blk bwf cows (3 to 5 yrs.) bred blk bulls to start calving Mar. 1 for 60 days. 20 red rwf cows (3 to 5 yrs.) bred blk bulls to start calving Mar. 1 for 60 days. 44 mostly Blk older cows bred to Puett SimAngus bulls for Mar-April calving.


We will also be selling cow/calf pairs and bred cows when available on our regular Friday auctions, starting at 11:30 AM on the pairs.
If you have pairs and bred cows to sell, please call us so we may advertise them in advance.

Feb 19, 2025 Mar 12, 2025
April 9, 2025 May 7, 2025

Local Auction Markets Still the Most Secure Way to Sell Livestock

Important Trichomoniasis Regulations
Dairy Cattle Regulations

Every Friday is a Special Sale at Manhattan Commission Company!
Offering several consignments of reputation calves to meet the demands of our regular buyers
who are here every week, as well as new buyers.
Exciting news from your LMAAuctions.com team. LMA Ringside, the official app of LMAAuctions.com is now available in the iTunes App store for iPhone and iPad users. In this first release existing viewers can log in with current LMAAuctions.com credentials to view sales. New users can create an account in the app that will give them access to LMA Ringside on their mobile device and LMAAuctions.com on their PC. The same username and password works in both places! In this first version the sales are view only. Bidding has not yet been released within the app while we test the reliability of mobile data networks. You’ll see more in future updates with the addition of news, sale announcements, market reports, and catalogs coming soon. We’re already working on the release of the Android version and will update everyone as soon as it hits the Google Play Store. If you have any questions about the app or how you can help us spread the word to viewers please contact Kristen, Cathy or Mitch at LMAauctions@lmaweb.com.
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Register for a free LMAAuctions.com account (one-time registration).

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Log-in to Manhattan Commission Company’s sale and Request a Buyer Number.

Special Note:  

Due to the increasing numbers of online bidders and Buyer # requests, please register and sign-up early to guarantee that your online seat is saved and your buyer number has been processed. Manhattan Commission Company makes no guarantees that a user will be assigned a buyer number the day of the sale.

After January 1st 2017, when logging on to LMAAuctions.com under the new platform you will be prompted at that time to update your password to meet the enhanced security requirements of at least 8 characters with 1 capital letter and 1 numeric digit. Any questions from our viewers or bidders please call LMA office at 800/821-2048 to speak to the LMAAuctions.com support team or email lmaauctions@LMAWeb.com.

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Early Consignments

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14th, 2025 at 10:00AM

Selling Around 11:30-12:00
44 mostly blk older bred cows bred to Puett SimAngus bulls for Mar.-April calving

60 blk bwf cows (3 to 5 yrs.) bred blk bulls to start calving Mar. 1 for 60 days.

20 red rwf cows (3 to 5 yrs.) bred blk bulls to start calving Mar. 1 for 60 days.

91 blk strs (long weaned/ no implants/ bunk broke/ 2 rds. shots) 550-650 lbs.

70 blk, blk baldy, few red strs & hfrs (long weaned/ all shots) 600-800 lbs.

28 home raised blk & bwf strs & hfrs (2 rds. shots/ weaned 3 weeks) 450-550 lbs.








20 blk & red cows (SS) bred Blk Balance bulls for March-April calving

14 blk cows (3 to 8 yrs.) bred Horned Herf bulls for Mar.-April calving.

16 blk & red cows (3 to 6 yrs.) bred Angus bulls for Mar.-April calving.

30 Red Angus cows (3 to 5 yrs.) bred Red Angus or SimAngus for Mar.-April calving. (Current on all vaccinations)

4 Spring Hill Herf genetic Polled Herf Cows (5 yrs.) bred Lyons Angus bull for Mar. calving.

15 blk Fall calving cows (mostly 3 & 4 yrs.) with 275-400# calves by side, running back with blk bull

9 Blk Angus cows ( 4-8 years) bred to Gardiner Home Town - CED 9, WW 61, Marbling .92, RE .83, $B $165
Cows have been boostered every year with Guardian and Triangle 10 prior to calving.

4 Spring Hill Herf genetic Polled Herf cows (5 yrs.) bred Lyons Angus bull for Mar. calving.

10 Blk & Red Angus cows (5 to 8 yrs.) bred Blk & Red Angus bulls for Mar.-April calving. (Fall shots)

30 Char cross cows ( 6 yrs. to older) bred Red Angus bulls for late Feb.-April calving.

26 Spring bred cows, blk/ bwf/ 2 char, 3-8, bred to Puett SimAngus bulls (March/April)




Complete dispersal of Fall pairs consisting of:

50 Red Angus & Red SimAngus cows (3 to 5 yrs) with Red Angus & Red SimAngus Sept-Oct calves by side. (Calves:Strs Knife cut, BoviShield 4, Vision 7 Oct. 30/ Cows: BoviShield FP5 Oct 30) Red SimAngus Cow Camp & Durst bulls turned in Nov. 20 thru Jan. 17.

40 blk & red cows (30 are 3-6 years) with 30-60 day calves by side. Running back with registered Angus bull 75 days. Balance heavy bred.

15 blk Fall calving Cows (mostly 3 & 4 yrs.) with 275-400# calves by side, running back with blk bull

16 blk (14) & red (2) cows (3 to 6 yrs.) with Nov. & Dec. calves by side. Calves had Blackleg, bulls banded. Cows exposed back SimAngus bull since Jan. 1.

6 blk cows (5 to 9 yrs.) with Fink genetic 1-4 mo. calves by side. (Calves: Enforce/ Blackleg/ Presponse/ poured Dectomax/ bulls banded, Cows: 4KC Scourguard/ Poured)

19 blk, bwf cows (3 to 6 yrs.) with Dec. blk calves by side, SimAngus bull turned in Jan. 10. (Calves: Respiratory & Blackleg)

30 blk cows (3 yrs. to SS) bred SimAngus bulls. 4 have calved, balance heavy springers. (Calves: MultiMin & Enforce 3/ bulls banded)

15 blk 1st calf hfrs, bred LBW Angus bulls for Feb.- April calving. (2 rd. Scour Guard/ wormed/ poured)

10 Horned Herf hfrs bred LBW Angus bulls for Feb. – April calving (2 rd. Scour Guard/ wormed/ poured)

8 red (3) & blk baldie (5) 1st calf hfrs, bred LBW Angus for Feb.-April calving. (2 rd. Scour Guard/ wormed, & poured)

10 Red Angus 1st calf hfrs, bred LBW Red Angus bulls for Feb. to April calving. ( 2 rd. Scour Guard/ wormed, & poured)

40 blk, red & Char cross 2nd calf hfrs, bred Blk Sim bulls to start calving Feb. 20th.

20 gentle blk bwf & red (2) 1st calf hfrs, AI bred to LBW Angus bull, cleaned up with LBW Angus for early March calving. (Purina mineral program)

25 gentle Pieper or Ludvingston genetic Red Angus 2nd calf hfrs (3 yrs.), AI bred half brothers of TJS Roadblock high profile Red Angus bull, to start calving Mar. 5 for 45 day calving period.

3 Blk Angus 2nd calf hfrs ( 3 years) bred to Gardiner Home Town - CED 9, WW 61,Marbling .92, RE .83, $B $165 (Boostered every year with Guardian and Triangle 10 prior to calving.)

7 Blk Angus 1st calf hfrs bred blk LBW bull to start calving Mar. 15, 2025

5 Red Angus 1st calf hfrs bred red LBW bull to start calving Mar. 15, 2025

35 big blk Western Nebraska origin 1st calf hfrs, AI bred to blk calving ease bulls, cleaned up blk calving ease bulls, to start calving mid Mar.-April. (1 rd. ScourBos/ MultiMin/ poured with clean up)

6 Blk Gelv Angus cross 1st calf hfrs, bred Nelson Angus bulls to start calving April.

1 gentle Angus Conneally genetic calving ease hfr bull (16 mo.) AAA 20896353

1 gentle Angus SAV Raindance genetic bull (16 mo.) AAA 20886774

1 Gardiner Home Town bull ( 3 yrs.)


