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Trichomoniasis Regulation

Effective October 4, 2013

Kansas Department of Agriculture
Division of Animal Health


Attention Cattle Producers


Bulls that change possession or ownership within Kansas must meet one of the following criteria:

ˇ            Non-virgin bulls or bulls greater than 18 months of age:

     o     Must be tested for trichomoniasis and certified negative within 60 days prior to change of possession or ownership, OR

     o     Be sold for slaughter only or for feeding for slaughter purposes.

ˇ            Virgin bulls 18 months of age or younger may change possession or ownership without a negative trichomoniasis test if the owner signs a statement verifying the bulls have not been sexually exposed to breeding-aged females.

ˇ            Virgin bulls 24 months of age or younger that are part of a herd management plan approved by the animal health commissioner shall not be required to be tested for trichomoniasis and certified negative prior to changing possession or ownership.

Cows and Heifers

Cows and heifers moving into Kansas must meet one of the following criteria or move into an approved Kansas livestock market and then meet one of the following criteria:

ˇ            Move for slaughter or feeding purposes only with no bull exposure after entering Kansas

ˇ            Have calf at side with no bull exposure since calving

ˇ            Be at least 120 days pregnant

ˇ            If not 120 days pregnant, have been exposed to only known negative bulls

ˇ            Have 120 days of sexual isolation

ˇ            Known virgin heifers with no bull exposure since weaning

ˇ            Embryo transfer-associated movement with no bull exposure after entering Kansas

Protecting the Kansas Livestock Industry

For more information contact:
Kansas Department of Agriculture Division of Animal Health
(785) 296-2326 • agriculture.ks.gov/divisions-programs/division-of-animal-health

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